Sydney Sweeney takes to the skies with her new movie “Barbarella”. The actor confirmed the news on Instagram on October 11, writing “time to save the universe” along with a photo showing the project’s deadline. According to the magazine, the ‘White Lotus’ actor is all set to star as the lead hero in the next big production. The film is in development and there is no writer or producer.
Jane Fonda played the role of Barbarella in the 1968 film directed by Roger Vadim. This tradition first appeared in the French series written by Jean-Claude Forest. The film eventually became a cult classic and is considered one of Fonda’s most important works. Fonda spoke about her character’s legacy in an interview with Vanity Fair in April: “All these guys kept telling me afterward that when they watched ‘Barbarella,’ that was the first architecture they had. I’ll take that. That’s a good thing.” What will put the…